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Image by Eddi Aguirre

6 techniques to help you be more patient.

We’ve all endured situations where we feel like nothing is working in our favour. We feel like no matter how hard we try, things just aren’t happening quick enough. Due to this, we then start to feel distressed and put ourselves in a negative cluster of emotions. This ultimately hurts us as opposed to helps us.


Patience is a critical skill one must develop because it contributes to your overall mood. People who are impatient tend to be more angry, distressed and stressed out. You will push others away with that kind of energy, so it’s super important to discover ways to manage your impatience.


Below contains six techniques you can implement to help you become a more patient individual. 

Try to find distractions.

Usually when we are feeling impatient, it is because something is not happening as quickly as we hope it would. One way to solve impatience is to simply distract yourself. By distracting yourself, you are able to consume yourself with activities that are productive. You will forget about whatever is distressing you. Although distracting yourself might not speed up the process, it will definitely help you fill up your schedule and keep your mind occupied with something else.


Listed below contains some simple yet effective distractions:

  • Take a walk.

  • Read a book.

  • Meditate.

  • Exercise.

  • Listen to music.

  • Journal.

  • Watch a television show.

  • Clean.

Image by Lilly Rum

Understand that there are some things you cannot change.

When you are impatient, you feel like you are losing control of a situation. You feel helpless and hopeless. However, it’s important to understand that worrying about your circumstances will not change the outcome. Constantly harping on the situation will just stress you out and further perpetuate your impatience. The harsh reality is that there are some things you just cannot change, no matter what you do. It’s important to acknowledge this because it will give you your power back. Ultimately, you will feel much better when you internalize this so you can move forward.

Image by Andrew Neel

Practicing patience requires patience.

Developing your skills requires patience; and that includes practicing patience. Learning to be more patient takes time and effort. It’s not something that’s going to happen overnight. Nothing rarely happens overnight. It takes time to learn what works for you and what doesn’t work. However, over time, you will slowly develop mechanisms and strategies that will help you positively evolve. Don’t worry if you aren’t seeing results in yourself as quickly as you would have hoped. It takes time and patience.

Image by Ravi Pinisetti

Visualize what you want.

Visualizing the specific thing you want will help you become more patient. This is because it will help you see it, believe it, and ultimately bring it to fruition. For instance, if you are being impatient about hearing from your boss and a potential promotion, just visualize yourself in that position. Picture yourself working in that new position, how you are acting, how you are engaging, how you feel, and how your life looks like. Thinking about all of these micro scenarios will make you feel like it’s real, and you will ultimately feel more patient about your future circumstances. This is because you will feel more optimistic. The future will seem more promising. 

Image by Benjamin Davies


When you are feeling frustrated, simply counting to 10 can help relieve tension. It will pause your emotions and allow you to reboot your mind. Counting to 10 can definitely relieve the stress you are feeling from whatever is causing you to get impatient. Next time you feel distressed, try this simple technique, and you might just be pleasantly surprised. 

Image by NeONBRAND

Use positive language to yourself.

When we are feeling impatient, we tend to put ourselves in a negative mindset. We start to say negative language; such as, “Why doesn’t anything ever work out for me?”, “Why is this happening?”, or “I hate my life”. If you’ve said things like this to yourself, you should try your best to stop. You are only hurting yourself. Shifting your mindset to say more positive sentiments is paramount. Saying things like, “Things are going to work out for me”, “Everything happens for a reason”, or “Amazing things are coming to my life soon” will only benefit you. By using positive self-talk, you will learn to be kinder to yourself, and ultimately become a more patient person. 

Image by Dan
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